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June 14, 2024

In our latest release, we've fixed the issue with project creation and updates when roles are specified, and added permissions for for non-admin users. We also cleaned up some unused code and introduced a new description field for project and cluster cards, making them more informative and user-friendly.

Breaking changes

This release introduces new permissions for non-admin users to download CLI configurations. Prior to Paralus v0.2.8, non-admin users were unable to download CLI configurations, apply below migrations if you are upgrading Paralus from a prior version

-- insert records into authsrv_resourcepermission
INSERT INTO authsrv_resourcepermission (name, scope, base_url, description, created_at, modified_at, trash, resource_urls, resource_action_urls) VALUES ('', 'PROJECT', '/auth/v3', 'Download cli configuration', current_timestamp, current_timestamp, false, '[{"url": "/cli/config", "methods": ["GET"]}]', 'null');

-- insert records into authsrv_resourcerolepermission
WITH resourcerole AS ( SELECT id as rrid FROM authsrv_resourcerole WHERE name IN ('PROJECT_ADMIN', 'PROJECT_READ_ONLY', 'CLUSTER_ADMIN', 'NAMESPACE_ADMIN', 'NAMESPACE_READ_ONLY') ), resourcepermission AS ( SELECT id as rpid FROM authsrv_resourcepermission WHERE name = '' ) INSERT INTO authsrv_resourcerolepermission (name, description, created_at, modified_at, trash, resource_permission_id, resource_role_id) SELECT '', 'Download cli configuration', current_timestamp, current_timestamp, false, resourcepermission.rpid, resourcerole.rrid FROM resourcerole, resourcepermission;

-- insert into casbin_rule
WITH resourcerole AS ( SELECT name FROM authsrv_resourcerole WHERE name IN ('PROJECT_ADMIN', 'PROJECT_READ_ONLY', 'CLUSTER_ADMIN', 'NAMESPACE_ADMIN', 'NAMESPACE_READ_ONLY') ) INSERT INTO casbin_rule (ptype, v0, v1, v2) SELECT 'g', '/auth/v3/cli/config',, 'GET' FROM resourcerole;

Multiple components underwent changes

Click here to view the detailed changelog for paralus.

Click here to view the detailed changelog for dashboard.

Click here to view the detailed changelog for relay.

Click here to view the detailed changelog for prompt.


February 28, 2024

Ever wondered whether connection to your imported target clusters are still intact, only way to find out until now was to perform web kubectl. With current release, we have introduced cluster health check-ins which will showcase whether your cluster connection is healthy / unhealthy on your cluster listing page !

Multiple components underwent changes

Click here to view the detailed changelog for paralus.

Click here to view the detailed changelog for relay.

Click here to view the detailed changelog for dashboard.


We are a Cloud Native Computing Foundation sandbox project.